+Always 100% Vegan | +PETA Approved | +Cruelty Free | +Natural Ingredients
How to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder
With the clocks going back and the darker evenings and colder temperatures quickly becoming the norm, the change in season can be much more disrupt...
These 3 Minerals Can Work Wonders for Your Body
Looking after your body can mean a number of different things to different people, whether it’s completing a great workout or eating a healthy diet...
How to Choose the Right Bath Salts
There aren’t many better feelings than sinking into a warm bath at the end of a tough day. Whether it’s been a long day at work or you’ve pushed yo...
Five other ways to use Westlab Salts
Salt bathing is a fantastic way to cleanse, replenish and re-charge, but have you tried using our salts in any of these other ways? 1. As a scalp e...
Westlab's Top 5 for Winter Wellness
1.Keep Warm This may sound obvious (it is winter after all)... but keeping warm is not just for comfort - it's essential for your immune system to ...
Jill de Villiers and Nick de Villiers from JdV Sport
Jill de Villiers and Nick de Villiers are the founders of JdV Sport, fulfilling all golfing requirements thanks to their partnerships with leading ...
In Conversation with... Jess Robson - Run Talk Run
This month our Westlab Hero is Jess from RunTalkRun. We had the privilege of sitting next to her at the National Running Show Dinner in January, a...
Routine to help reduce anxiety by switching off for a restful night
It’s safe to say that it’s not an easy time right now – for anyone. With another national lockdown, schools and businesses closed, it’s not the pos...
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