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Westlab Ambassador

Hear why raising awareness is vital to Zainab to protect future generations.


Westlab Ambassador

Listen to the impact TSW has had on Amy and her inspirational skin journey.


Head of Product

As Head of Product, hear how Penny was inspired to develop Skin Repair Bath Salts.


Westlab's CEO

As the CEO of Westlab, find out more about Sean’s personal skin journey with Psoriasis.

Westlab Ambassador

Having had Eczema since birth, hear why raising awareness about visible skin conditions is so important to Katie.

In this series, we are spotlighting the real-life stories of our skin-warriors and their incredible journeys of living with Eczema, Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) & Psoriasis.

Can you tell us about your skin journey and why you wanted to share it?

Living with Eczema is different from one moment to the next. You never really know what you are going to wake up to in terms of your skin, and it really can change in an instant. It makes living with Eczema or any form of skin condition difficult due to its unpredictability which in turn is both mentally and emotionally stressful. What really prompted me to start sharing my journey online was just how much energy and effort I was putting into hiding my skin. I was just getting really frustrated at myself, questioning, why are you doing that? From that point I decided I wanted to take control of the situation and change my mindset to not be controlled by what my skin was doing.

What was the key turning point for you on your skin journey?

One day, I remember I was hiding my skin, and I just had this moment where I saw a girl, and she was just rocking a full flare, walking down the street laughing. She was confident, happy. I just had that WOW moment. Like, oh my god, if she can do it, so can I. That was the big moment that changed my whole perception of my skin.

When did you first discover Westlab?

I first discovered Westlab around three years ago, I was recommended it by a friend, and I was initially quite hesitant because I thought, oh, bath salts. My initial reaction was that I thought they would be really drying and upset my skin because of previous experiences of going in the ocean. But for me, as soon as I used the Dead Sea Bath Salts, I was like, okay, this is really soothing. I was just so surprised, and it completely changed my opinion, my skin felt instantly nourished and soft after my bath, and it was heaven. From that point I just became a bit obsessed!

What are your thoughts on the new Westlab Skin Repair Bath Salts?

My first thoughts when I used the new Skin Repair Bath Salts was WOW, it was a massive game changer of a product for me. I've tried so many different products and nothing was really giving the relief and comfort that I needed. When I tried the Skin Repair Bath Salts for the first time, I was really hopeful because a lot of my favourite products do have Oats in them – and I was not disappointed, the results I saw from my first week of using them was incredible!

Why is it important to be a part of the Westlab campaign in raising awareness for people living with visible skin conditions?

For me, bringing awareness to skin conditions is really personal. It means that maybe someone else out there won't have to go through what I have. I hope by raising awareness I can change someone else's experience of living with a skin condition and hopefully empower them! It's very easy to feel like you are the odd one out - but you are not! You may feel like that, but once you surround yourself with people who know and understand what it's like to live with skin condition, you'll know that you're going to be okay. My advice would be reach out to the community, we are here waiting to help and support you!

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