Beauty experts ultimate bath rituals

6 Relaxing Bath Rituals Adding A Little Luxury (And A Lot Of Calm) To Your Evening.
From seaweed powder and palo santo, to indulgent bath oils. Six beauty experts weigh in on their ultimate relaxation bath rituals.
As we move into summer and (optimistically) a dash of warmer weather and sunshine, it might not seem like the ideal time to start getting into baths (literally). But, with a national lockdown and global pandemic currently occurring, a relaxing bath might just be the stress-solving self-care you need right now.
Having a bath can be more than just a way to wash
‘Having a bath can be more than just a way to wash’, says natural skincare expert Annee de Mamiel. ‘Your skin releases endorphins in response to the soothing warm water the same way that endorphins are released when you feel the sun on your skin.’ In short? Baths aren’t just good for your skin, they’re good for your brain as well.
They’re something neurologist Dr Tara Swart also swears by. ‘Immersion in warm water releases the bonding hormone oxytocin which can counteract feelings of loneliness’, she explains. ‘Our brain experiences the same feelings as if we were getting physical affection or attention from a loved one.’
During a lockdown, where many of us have been separated from our loved ones for months on end, a hug, whether it’s a bath-based one or real, is exactly what we’re craving.
Not sure how to up your relaxing bath ante? We spoke to the beauty and wellness experts who know how to turn your evening dip into a luxury ritual...
Relaxing Bath Ritual No.4 - Suzanne Duckett, author of ‘Bathe: The Art Of Finding Rest, Relaxation’ and founder of The Antidote
‘I could bathe morning, noon and night, there’s no rhyme nor reason nor timing to my bathing habits. I take a bath whenever I fancy it – in preparation for going out, when I come in from a long day, to wake me up, to calm me down. A hot oily bath can make me feel secure when I am anxious, while a salty bath purifies me when I have overindulged (alternated with freezing-cold shower blasts–hopping in and out from the shower to the tub is my ultimate hangover cure!).
‘A tepid “sheep dip”, as I call it, is a wonderful, transformative beautifier too; a one-pot pit stop where you scrub away dry dead and dull skin, shave legs or any other parts, softening and smoothing skin from top to toe with all manner of oils and spoils, boosting body confidence in five minutes flat. You step out a new person, a layer shed in every sense.’
What You’ll Need
‘I like to bring the beach to my bath. The countless vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the salts and seaweed help relieve stress, aches and pains, encourage the body to expel toxins, help induce sleep and even help to balance hormones.
- 60g Epsom salts.
- 60g Dead Sea salt.
- 120g Seaweed powder - quality seaweed powder is brimming with vitamin C, which boosts collagen production and skin elasticity; potassium, which is needed for proper hydration of the body, including the skin; and iron, which promotes circulation of blood throughout the body and provides the skin with abundant oxygen- rich blood, which makes it healthy and supple.
- 7-10 drops of the following essential oils: juniper berry, lavender, sandalwood or patchouli (to mask the seaweed smell!).
‘Combine the salts and seaweed powder in a container, then stir into a hot bath.’