The Eczema Files: the eczema first aid kit

What’s the best way to cleanse, soothe and protect eczema prone skin? Ali hunter has some answers...
Like many other eczema sufferers I live in fear of those days when my skin does everything to turn me into a fire-breathing dragon. It may be caused by stress, overindulgence in trigger foods or a reaction to a product. Whatever the cause of your eczema emergency help is at hand. Here are a few tricks and treats to get you feeling more human on those eczema-plagued days.
Dead Sea Salt Bath
The mineral composition of Dead Sea Salts may help to cleanse and remove the impurities that exacerbate eczema. A 15-minute soak in a warm (not scalding) salt bath reduces itching and helps skin to retain water and respond to moisturising creams. It also helps to combat the stress that often accompanies and exacerbates an eczema breakout. It pays to be savvy about your salts, as some suppliers add irritating fragrances and other chemicals. Westlab’s dead sea salts, £2.49, are unrefined, don’t use any harsh chemicals and they provide a mineral breakdown for each variety, so you know exactly what you’re bathing in.