Why You Should be Using Bath Salts

Taking a soak in a long, hot bath is one of life’s greatest pleasures and, while bath time might be a daily necessity, there’s nothing to stop you turning it into an exercise in self-indulgence by adding bath salts.
The key to curing the frustrations of your day, the addition of a few products can transform your tub into a spa-like experience. If bubbles and bath bombs aren’t quite your thing, you want to learn a little more about bath salts.
There is a wide variety of bath salts on offer, all of which offer different perks.
Crushed-up minerals that are soluble in water. They offer a whole host of benefits from combating stress and fatigue, to reducing inflammation. And they assist with soothing infections and detoxifying your skin.
So, what types are there and which one should you choose?
One of the most popular options in the world of bath salts are the pretty pink ones. Otherwise known as Himalayan. A particularly good detoxifier, these salts are ideal if your body is under stress. They work to counteract the electromagnetic energy absorbed from modern day gadgets.
While in the bath, you can expect to feel your body temperature rise before settling back down. This should guarantee a peaceful night’s sleep.
Similarly, magnesium salts are another great option for relaxation. Mined from now extinct lakes and seas from the Jurassic period, they help reduce inflammation and ease stress meaning they’re particularly great for soothing tired and aching muscles.
If problematic skin is your problem though, Dead Sea salts should be your first port of call. Made from a mix of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium, the salts help to hydrate and encourage natural skin healing making them ideal for anyone who suffers from skin conditions such as eczema, acne or psoriasis.
Tempted to give them a try? Fill up your tub with lots of warm water and add 250-500g of your chosen bath salt and repeat two to three times a week for maximum results.